What a year it has been!!
I want to say a sincere thank you from the bottom of my heart to those of you who have been opening our emails, reading our blog, watching our videos and listenning to our podcast each week.
I also want to express my heartfelt gratitude to our community of 200+ authors who chose to put their trust in us by allowing us to bring their stories to life. We do love our Disruptive Authors and not only do we value their trust, we appreciate the referrals they continue to send to us. Thanks.
Sadly, we lost one of our beautiful authors recently. Tina Hooton was a contributing author to Parenting a Child on the Spectrum and a friend to many of us. We hold her family in our thoughts as they face their first Christmas without her and we acknowledge just how precious and unpredictable life can be.
To the Bootcampers, it’s been great to hang out with you all year and see your projects come to life. Thanks for choosing to allow us to walk beside you.
And last, but not least, I want to say thank you to the amazing and talented individuals who have supported us and worked with us at Disruptive Publishing this year. I especially want to acknowledge Rhea Sangrio, Jo Scott, Julz Guthrie, Sharon Hawthorne, Joseph Fay, Niva Seawright, Matthew Fay, Stuart Fay and Paula Burgess. We couldn’t have done what we’ve done this year without your care and expertise.
We will be taking a break over the Christmas period to rejuvenate and we’ll be back in the office on Monday 16th January.
To those who are already comitted to becoming a published author next year, and those have been thinking about working with us to bring your story to life, we look forward with great excitement to connecting with you in 2023. We can’t wait to be a part of your life-changing journey to becoming published.
Until then though, I want to wish every one of you a loving and joy-filled Christmas. May your challenges be minimal and your blessings be multiple. And I sincerely hope 2023 brings you all the love and joy you desire.
With love,
Deb x