Top 10 reasons why a solopreneur should contribute to a compilation book project

At Disruptive Publishing, we have a lot of experience putting authors together in compilation book projects, so we can tell you from experience that they are a great idea for first time authors and for solopreneurs who want to self-publish but are short on time and funds. Let me tell you all the reasons why.

But first, some facts you need to know…

FACT #1: Small business people know that in order to grow their business they need to set themselves apart from their competition and they need to stand out from the crowd so that their target market can find them.

FACT #2: Small business people know that they need to create ways to build more meaningful connections with their target market so that their market can get to know them, like them and trust them enough to buy from them.

FACT #3: Small business people they know that they will never exceed certain income levels while they are trading time for money and working on a one-to-one basis.

FACT #4: First-time authors lack confidence and they don’t have the influence they know they are going to need if they want to start building a following for their writing.

Following are the top 10 reasons why a first-time author or a solopreneur would benefit from contributing to a compilation project. Especially if it is related to ther field of expertise.

Top 10 Reasons:

10 It’s a great stepping stone for new authors to get a taste of the publishing process and to begin establishing their credibility as an author and expert in their field.

9 You don’t have to write a whole book – 2,000 words as opposed to 40-50,000 words means much less time and effort from you for your first experience.

8 You can just focus on what you know and what you do best, keeping the audience in mind.

7 Once your chapter is written, everything is taken care of for you including editing, formatting, layout, cover design and publishing.

6 You get to share costs for publishing, launching and marketing.

5 You get to co-author aka rub shoulders with other authorpreneurs who are respected in their fields.

4 You get exposure to their networks as they are exposed to yours.

3 You can pool your marketing efforts and bring additional and potentially massive value to your target market.

2 The journey is much more like a party and less like work.

1 You get to have a bigger impact on a broader audience than you could reach alone, and therefore you can potentially change more lives, which is the #1 thing I hear from the aspiring authors I speak to – they want to help people and change lives.

EVERYBODY WINS with compilation projects.

“If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.”

~ African proverb

Check out what opportunities we currently have for you to contribute and become an author.


Or, if you have an idea for a compilation project, tell us about it. We might be able to work together. Email:

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