Author versus Authorpreneur: Which are you?

Our world has changed dramatically, thanks, in a very large part, to the Internet.  This has given rise to a whole new way of being for everyone, not just authors. 

We now have a whole generation of adults who have only ever known a life where the internet is central to every part of it, and if us authors don’t get ahead of the game, we are going to be left behind.

What does that mean for those of us who just want to write and be published authors?

I find there is usually an upside and a downside to most things.  And within each upside and downside, there will be an upside and a downside.

The Downside

The downside to our new world and our new way of being for authors, is that an author can no longer be, “just an author” if they want their writing to find its readers.  They have to be more.

We are now in a world where traditional publishers no longer take full responsibility for the distribution, marketing and sales of a book, so the 2 most important things an author can do if they want their writing to find its readers will be:

1 know the difference between an author and an authorpreneur, and 

2 make the shift from author to authorpreneur.

So, what is the difference between an author and an authorpreneur?

Authors write books.

In essence, anyone who writes or contributes to a book is an author and this is a remarkable achievement in and of itself.

Authorpreneurs build businesses.

An authorpreneur strategically uses their writing to build a business around their writing.  They view their books as stepping stones to a much bigger vision and if you want to make a living from writing books, you are going to need to think and act like an authorpreneur.

This will be the difference between selling a few books to friends and family, and creating a sustainable income from your writing.

The Upside

There are many skillsets required to take a book from idea to published and then sold over and over again.  

The upside, of course, is that we now have access to so much more information, and we can attain the skillsets required to self-publish, market and sell our own books.  

No longer are our publishing dreams at the mercy of others who may or may not appreciate what we have to say or how we want to express ourselves.

We can do it for ourselves and we can even do it well.

This is what the authorpreneurs’ boot camp is all about. We look at every aspect of writing and publishing a book and we include a module on how to build an author platform from which to grow your author business.

You can do this.  Make the decision now to make the shift from author to authorpreneur and start taking control of your future as a writer.

If you want help, join us in the Authorpreneur’s Bootcamp.  You’ll be in good company and we’d love to have you.

At least check it out!

Authorpreneur’s Bootcamp

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