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Write and Publish Short Non-Fiction Kindle EBooks is our very latest program written especially for coaches, consultants and therapists who are serious about reaching a bigger audience and creating new streams of income in these challenging times.
It’s for coaches, consultants and therapist who:
- are good at what they do,
- have a lot of knowledge about the work they do,
- love to help people,
- know they can help people given the chance,
- can’t seem to reach enough of their people to make a living,
- are concerned about the future of their business,
- are concerned about competition,
- want to do more business online,
- would like to make the shift from a one-to-one to a one-to-many business model but they don’t know exactly how to make that happen and
- want to be excited – not scared – about the future of their business.
In this program I will show you how to turn your expertise into a series of short Kindle EBooks that will not only have the potential to turn into another stream of income, but will help establish you as more of an expert in your field, help you build trust with your prospects, help you turn those prospects into clients, and help you fill your calendar with group and 1:1 coaching clients who can see your worth and want to work with you.
I’m talking about a 6 week program during which you will learn how easy it is to write short Kindle ebooks and publish them at virtually no cost to Amazon KDP, which is not only the largest book selling platform responsible for the top 80% of rankings, but is now the largest search engine in the world for e-commerce, with more than 54% of all product searches taking place on Amazon.
In the past, to be considered an expert in your field you needed to literally ‘write the book’ on it and it had to be a very big and all-encompassing book.
With the introduction of the internet, however, and the speed with which we can access information these days, it is no wonder that our experiences and our perceptions have changed, which has altered the way we do everything.
That includes the way we seek out products and services.
Further to this, coaches, consultants and therapists no longer have to be seen as ‘the‘ expert in a given field to have a flourishing practice. We just need to be seen as ‘an‘ expert and we demonstrate our ‘expert status’ by offering just enough valuable bite size contributions to our target market that makes them want to follow us and eventually work with us, as they get to know, like and trust us.
Small non-fiction kindle ebooks are perfect for this. Books still trump almost any other product for establishing credibility and expertise in a given field.
Small non-fiction kindle ebooks are also quicker to write, cheaper to edit and format, and cost nothing to publish to Amazon’s KDP platform.
I am so excited about this new program because I know it is going to make a difference to a lot of coaches, consultants and therapists.
The 6 Modules include:
Introductory Module 1 : The Publishing Revolution that’s still going on and how you can work it to your advantage.
Module 2: Create a Blueprint for Your Book/Series of Books then Learn how to Create a Cover you’ll be proud of.
Module 3: Write Like a Ninja – how to structure your writing and turn what you know into a book/series of books that your market will want to read.
Module 4: Edit Like a Ninja – How to produce the best possible book without having to overspend $$$ on editing.
Module 5: Convert your book into an EBook and Publish it to KDP
Bonus Module 6: Build your Author platform – strategically
- Module 1 is FREE
- Bonus Step-by-Step Checklist for Asana: How to Write and Publish Your Short Non-Fiction EBook which you can keep whether you stay on the program or not
- Access to a private Facebook group where you can ask questions and receive guidance as you write.
- Work at your own pace
- Lifetime Access
This program is worth more than $2,500