One question I am asked most often is “How do I write a book?” And further explanation tells me that the author doesn’t know where to start or how to put what they know into some sort of order that will make sense. And once they’ve done that, what do they do? What is the process of becoming published?
They know their business or their story. They just want to know what to do and when to do it so that they can write their book and bring their book to life. I think most of us can relate. No matter what we are trying to achieve, if we know what to do and when to do it, we can achieve what we want to achieve.
So let me tell you what I think is the most important thing an author needs to do.
1 You need a plan.
You actually need 2 plans and you need the right plans. You need a plan for your writing and you need a plan for publishing. They are 2 separate journeys. Then…
2 You need to show up.
Showing up is the most important thing an author needs to do to become published. And not just showing up once or twice. You have to keep showing up until you have written your book, and then you need to keep showing up until you have published it.
Plan your writing
Having a plan for your writing is important because it will keep you on track and it will ensure that you meet your objectives for your book.
So what do you want to achieve with your book?
Who do you want to help?
Why should they ready your book?
What do you want them to take away from your book?
And what do you want them to do once they’ve read your book?
You must know the answer to these questions before you start writing so that you have a clear vision and clear direction for organising your knowledge and your story in a way that will fit with your objectives.
Plan your Publishing Journey
Once you have written your book, you then need to create and follow your publishing plan.
What has to happen to your book to take it from a word doc to a printed book with a cover and an ISBN and everything else that makes it official?
Next stage is editing. Followed by formatting, cover creation, and publishing to your chosen print platform.
Who can help you with all these things?
Where can you get the right advise that’s based on significant experience rather than data-less opinion?
Who do you trust to guide you in creating your plan?
Showing up
And once you have your plans in place, what do you need to do?
You need to show up, day in, day out. You need to commit to showing up and you need to honour your commitment to your inner author.
Where is a good place to write where you won’t be disturbed?
What is a good time to schedule in writing time? A time when your mind is sharp and you have lots of energy to bring to what you create?
Do you have your plan in place with your clear objectives?
Do you have your publishing guidelines and plan in place so that as soon as you finish writing and you are happy with your book, you can start project managing the following steps in your publishing journey?
Do you have a reasonable launch date in mind – one that is not going to put you under too much pressure?
And how determined are you to push through anything that might get in your way?
Knowing the answers to all these questions will help you get moving and hopefully help you to know what to look for and where to look.
I hope this has been helpful and that you feel inspired to follow your dream of becoming a published author.
I personally think showing up is the most important thing we can do for ourselves, no matter what we are trying to achieve. Even if you don’t know what to do to begin with, keep showing up and you will work the rest out.
If you want help to create a plan for your writing and publishing journey you can start by downloading our free ebook 7 Things An Author Must Know About Writing And Publishing A Book Before They Take The Plunge. It will set you up well with the big picture.
Then, if you want support with the finer details we have our Authorpreneur’s Bootcamp where we teach authors everything they need to know about writing and publishing a book and we hold your hand along the way.
That’s it from me this week. Have a productive writing week and I will be back next week with some more tips for authors.
Ciao for now
Deb x