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1. How To Write Your Book and Publish It: A comprehensive Writing and Publishing Checklist from CEO of Disruptive Publishing Deborah Fay
2. How to organise your home office for maximum productivity from Author Paula Burgess.
3. Certificate for a free Discovery Session with Author Rhonda Ohlson
4. Build Your Rainbow Bridge Video by Author Rhonda Ohlson
5. How To Turn Your Pain Into Power Checklist from Author Rhonda Ohlson
6. How To Market and Leverage Your Book Checklist from Author Trish Springsteen
7. BONUS Chapter from ‘Becoming a Butterfly’ by Author Jess Sermak
8. $100 Voucher for coaching with Author Jess Sermak
9. Elementary EBook by Author Penny Hayes
10. Dreams Visions and Intuitions: A comprehensive checklist for strengthening your connections by Author Marnee Kent.
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