I am a Vegan Health Educator and Life Coach from Queenscliff,
Victoria. With over 30 yrs in the wellness industry I now operate out
of Queenscliff and provide personalized Detox Programs to my clients
as well as on going education about chemical toxicity – Inside &
Outside. By that I refer to the toxic build up that occurs within our
bodies and also to the toxic environment we surround ourselves with,
with chemical laden personal care products, cleaning products and
food items we consume on a regular basis. I believes in the old adage
“Healthy Body, Healthy Mind” and also, “You are what you eat”. I use
life coaching skills as a means to clear the mental and emotional
clutter than can also detrimentally impact on our health.. I have a
regular health column in The Echo and other local papers across the
The goal of Simply Vibrant is in striving to educate all people about
the importance of the foods they eat and how this daily activity can be
powerfully detrimental or powerfully beneficial in maintaining or
regaining health and wellbeing. Also empowering people to make
better choices in regards to their personal care and cleaning products
so as to minimise their chemical exposure and also lessen their
environmental impact. I share this information with my clients as they
embark on a ‘Life Detox Program’, alternatively I also present this
information at seminar events and am available as an informed public
speaker on these matters.
I sell the most divine range of fully certified organic personal care and
health care products see www.sunshine9.mionegroup.com in addition
to this I have a select range of nutritional supplements including the most effective and health enhancing bowel cleansing formula and
protocols. I understand the vital necessity of sharing this important
information at this particular time in history. Never before have we
experienced chronic illness on such a huge scale – diabetes, IBS,
allergies, arthritis, gluten intolerance, depression, hormone disruption,
infertility, anxiety, cancer, heart disease – and the list goes on!
The call for this information to be shared has been loud and long and
I believe it is more important now than ever that people become aware
about how to take responsibility for their own health and also for the
health of our beautiful planet. It’s no secret. We now face an urgent
health crisis and personal responsibility is a must.
For further information or to enquire about Simply Vibrant programs
please call: Mob – 0412 699 250 or email: